
License Overview

16 Seamless Subtle Paper Texture Patterns

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A selection of 16 fine-textured subtle papers - all seamless :) 

Included in various formats :
  • Photoshop Styles and seamless JPEGS allow you to cover any size you need - seamlessly!
  • For those that don't have any software that allows tiling - 16 12x12in high-resolution sheets with the patterned textures on are also packed in for you.

Included : 

  • 16 Original JPEG seamless pattern tiles.
  • 16 12x12in high-resolution papers
  • 1 Photoshop style set file with 16 styles inside.
  • A help PDF for Photoshop users.


Fonts used in main preview image is in order from top to bottom : Bon Vivant Serif, Bon Vivant Script, Joules et Jacques Serif.

Fonts used in later previews are California Palms Font Set.

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